Sunday, April 17, 2011

What Lies Inside...?

Hey Dolls!! Hopefuly you have enjoyed my few short posts on dresses, shapewear and the books I've shared on how to be your best self in a relationship (I will revisit this topic more in depth later). I've gone over what lies beneath and how to start with a good wardrobe fundation so you can look and feel your best in any dress or skirt. So now that we have an idea about that lets adress hat lies inside...that is inside your head!

You ever hear the saying that its all in our head? Well, its true!! You have the power to do, be and think whatever you like and watch as your desires come to life!

It goes without sayng that you are what you think. If you think negative things such as, "I'm a failure, I'm ugly, fat, undesireable, unattractice etc" then thats unfortunatley what you will be. You and only you are responsible for your thoughts, what you accept as true and what you believe you deserve! So you ask yourself, well how do I do that?? I dont like my hair, I dont like my skin, I dont like my body, etc, etc, etc. Or all my life I have been told I will be nothing, I am ugly, so and so is prettier then me, or society says my body shape, size, skin tone or hair colour is not beautiful. Again whatever you accept to be true is what you will have and be.


Cassandra was a tall, slender and pretty dark skinned girl. She was smart, level headed and a bit shy and reserved. Ling was short, pretty asian girl who was smart, charasmatic and funny. Though she wasnt exactly slim, she owned her body and wasnt afraid of what she looked like. Talia was a pretty, petite, biracial girl who was smart, charasmatic, fun, outgoing and very confident.
Talia was the leader of the trio. She constantly was the centre of male attention with her bleach blonde hair, blue contacts, push up bra ad heavy make up. But deep down inside she wasnt very secure with herself and constantly talked about how great she was and how well she did in school.
Eventually it began to have an affect on Ling and Cassandra and they began to feel inadequate, and almost invisible when Talia was around. So ling, began wearing tighter fitting clothes, got blonde streaks in her hair and started partying heavily with Talia. Cassandra being the shy reserved one didnt quite feel like she fit in because of her height.
She felt embarassed to wear the 4 inch heels that the other girls wore because it made her feel ackward and like she towered over everyone. And though she tried wearing the heavy make up like the other girls she wasnt quite able to pull it off. She felt down on herself all the time and by the end of the semester became very depressed.

What kind of thoughts do you think were going through Cassandras head?

"I hate being so tall. If I wasnt I could wear those cute high heels like Talia and Ling without towering over everyone"

"I wish my hair was longer or lighter but I dont have the money to get streaks" "I wish I was as smart as Talia! Watch her get a higher score then me on the next test."

All of these negative thoughts made Cassandra feel inadequate and bad about herself and helped propel her deeper into depression.

Does this scenario sound familiar to you?? Do you constantly compare yourself to a friend, sibling, acquaintance or peer and list all the reasons why they are better then you in some way, all while wishing you could have those things for yourself too?

If thats you then I have a powerful tool to help you overcome those thoughts, regain control of your mind and become the person you have always wanted to be.

The Power of the Subconcious Mind

The Power of the Subconcious Mind by Joseph Murphy

I was recommended this book by an aunt and aquaintance. It focuses on how you can think yourself successful, powerful, healthy, rich and even slender. It sounds like it could be a lot of fluff but it is not. First it talks about the common mind traps of negativity that can pervade our minds and keep us trapped in a cycle of negativity, lack and want and how we unwitingly incorporate this into our belief system. Finallyt it introduces us to our subconcious mind, its role in our life and how we already have the tools to transform ourselves into what we want to be.

I dont want to give away too much because this book is a ASSET in your aresenal of femininity and it teaches you how to get a rein on negative thoughts, banish them and focus on positivity.

Case in point

Yea right you say! What does this have to do with feminity?? Wel I'll share a few reasons why

* You will smile more smile is a warm invitation for others to smile back. And believe me Dolls, a smile can net you more then just a, 'How you doin!"

*When you smile, your face muscles relax, you give off a essense of warmth, positivity and contentment and contentment draws people to you. It draws your co workers to view you as a sset to their work environment. Your boss will notice and will begin to view you in a positive light and when your boss views you that way, doors begin to open.

*A woman who is soft and feminine attracts male suitors. Suddenly, men want to be around her a lot more because her contentment attracts them.

*Now this sounds a bit...manipulative but I assure you its not intentional. Contentment in a woman results in her uncontrllable ability to exude femininity will help said woman to influence others. Its not fair, it sucks for those who dont benefit but its a reality. No use in moaning and groaning about it. Might as well get on the side of being benefited then watching it benefit someone else and feeling sour about it.

Like it or not Dolls, it does benefit the holder of such Femininity. So Dolls, go get the book and read it.

I wont give too much details behind this life changing book because I think the author does and amazing job of proving how and why this works. Besides, its not something you want to read once and set aside. Its a tool and an excellent reference once your mind has been awakened that you will want to reference again and again.

If you want to benefit from the wisdom then you have to put in the work. Its as simple as that. Your not going to get that awesome scarf at French Connection if you dont at least get in the car and drive to the mall to go get it. Same applies here.

You must put in the effort to change your situation or you will simply stay put in the situation you are in.

To harness the Power of Femininity is to take a step and walk boldly towards your goals and dreams. Till next time Dolls!



The Power of Femininity

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